A man lies in his bed in a room with no door
He waits, hoping for a presence or something, anything to enter
After spending half his life searching
He still felt as blank as the ceiling at which he stared
He is alive, but feels absolutely nothing, so is he?
When he was six, he believed that the moon overhead followed him
By nine, he deciphered the illusion, trading magic for fact, no trade-backs
So this is what it's like to be an adult?
If he only knew now what he knew then
Lying sideways atop crumpled sheets and no covers
He decides to dream...Dream up a new self...For himself
The last 2 months have been the craziest ride. The lyrics from Pearl Jam above ring true. At least I'm open and for now, I feel. More than ever. No trading magic for fact. I'm sure by now some of you would've seen the Model Millions or heard the stories. A huge fuck up in many respects, but in others the best experience of my life. I was lucky enough to work with some of the finest people one could hope to meet. So, for that, thank you. We managed to put together 2 full episodes and it is a huge pity that we couldn't do more together, as I have no doubt that we all could've done something special.
The rest i'm not gonna go into but ask me over a beer and i'll share!